I happened up the concept of
blogging without obligation a few weeks ago, and I've been mulling it over since then.
Gut reaction: I like it.
Secondary reaction (what body part kicks in after the gut? the frontal lobe?): I like it,
If you've never heard of blogging without obligation, here are my favorite parts of the informal mission statement. You can read it in its entirety
Blog without obligation...
- Because its okay to just say what you have to say. If that makes for a long post, fine. Short post, fine. Frequent post, fine. Infrequent post, fine.
- Because only blogging when you feel truly inspired keeps up the integrity of your blog.
- Because for most of us blogging is just a hobby. A way to express yourself and connect with others. You should not have to apologize for lapses in posts. Just take a step back and enjoy life, not everything you do has to be “bloggable”.
Now, back to my gut and frontal lobe reactions (yup, I'm officially naming that second reaction. feel free to spread the word) to blogging without obligation...
I like it because it's logical. Why blog if you have nothing to say, nothing new to share? I truly and genuinely admire those bloggers, especially craft bloggers, who can post something of substance every day. I am not and
probably never will be a post-a-day blogger, or even a consistent-schedule blogger. No apologies or guilt for that.
I love blogging because I love sharing ideas and meeting people who are genuinely interested in what I am doing. I love followers and do a happy dance with each new follower, but I want followers who genuinely like me and my blog, not those who feel obligated to return a follow.
I like blogging without obligation, when blogging works for me, when I have something to blog.
but... I know that a certain amount of blog obligation (blogligation?) is motivating. If I weren't committed (and therefore obligated) to my weekly guest post over at Housewife Eclectic, it wouldn't happen. But knowing that I have an obligation to fulfill gives me focus. And I love those posts. They are some of my best blogging work because I have to plan and think about them and I want them to be meaningful to readers, not just drivel to skip over in the blog reader.
And I do think it's natural to feel at least a little bit obligated to practice the golden blogging rule:
blog unto others as you would like to be blogged. Er, maybe that should just read
publish what you would like to read. Personally, I like projects and explanations, good family recipes, and things that make me laugh. So, I try to post those things.
so... I embrace a compromise. Henceforth, I will blog
with limited obligation. I don't ever want to feel guilty for not blogging, so... I won't. That I can control. :)
I will blog when it works for me, when I have something of substance to post.
But I am obligated to only publish what I would like to read.
(: The End :)