Photo-a-day 2012

Hello, friends! Life is busy, as always, but I wanted to be sure to say hello, share some photos, and let you know about my most recent post over at Housewife Eclectic as part of my Wednesdays on (or off) the Web.

Item #1: Hello! Thank you all for reading :)

Item #3: Pop over to Housewife Eclectic for this week's challenge: to capture the everyday moments.

Item #4: Yes, I can count, but no, I don't care to put these in the proper numerical order...

Item #2: The photos. I've been trying to take more photos lately, inspired by the 356 (or 366, this year) photo projects I see around (like Debra's... check out her AWESOME calendar, and be sure to click on a blank day to see some nerdy goodness :). So, here are some to share:

Combine quiet time with a 2-year-old who loves Spam... the result is uncanny
(ha! I crack myself up!)

All bundled up!

After no nap, Shaun the Sheep is all it takes to put him to sleep, sitting up...
and to keep him asleep as he falls over.

This poor girl puts up with so many things being put on top of her, like a kid-sized plastic lawn chair. No injuries yet....

My sleepy cowboy :)

my first homemade tortillas! they're a little thick, but tasty :)

You know the expiration date on the pop tubes of biscuits? They need to call it an EXPLOSION date. One tube exploded in the fridge, and when I tried to open these, one exploded all over the kitchen, nearly taking my thumb with it. The other one exploded on the front porch when my husband went out to try to open it...

a very happy Valentine's day :)

Polo jammies... the newest layering trend. When you see it hit Hollywood, it started here!

"Why do they make running shoes in all these crazy colors?" he asks.
"Ooh, pretty shoes!" she says with a glint in her eyes...


Janny said...

Your family is so fun! What cute kids! I'm impressed that you made tortillas- even thick ones. The last time I tried to make tortillas the house filled with smoke. Well done!

Unknown said...

I love the SPAM pic. That's hilarious, and you cracked me up, too!
P.S. I'm a fan of pretty running shoes, too!

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